Costa Rica – Day 3

Florex is a sustainable producer of cleaning products that was founded by the goal of creating safer alternatives for humans and the environment. 

The first approach they use for developing products is establishing a formula that excludes the use of palm oil to help save the destruction of natural forests specifically in Indonesia. They have labs on site that help them conduct experiments on formulas that are safe for use, environmentally friendly, and are desirable in regards to smell and purpose. When producing the formula they are begging to reduce the amount of water they use by creating a concentrate which also reduces the amount of packaging needed to present the final product to customers. They also built their warehouse in an environmentally friendly style. The warehouse includes plastic roof pieces that strand the length of the warehouse so that way while products are being packaged and made, natural lighting can be used to conserve energy. They use strategic builds with gaps to allow for air flow without having to use electricity for air conditioning. 

The packing itself follows sustainable goals by that they use reuse industrial size bottles by refilling them and smaller bottles they break down to be made into new bottles for future customers.

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