Costa Rica – Day 4

My experience in Costa Rica so far has been absolutely magical! If I had to describe the trip in one word I would say a “dream”. I have not only learned immensely about how business is conducted in different cities but also how Costa Rican’s incorporate happiness into their work life. 

Costa Rica is the happiest place on the planet because they do not let small problems affect their daily lives. Their culture incorporates “go with the flow” nature. Costa Ricans treat everyone as family and are accepting of whoever walks through their doors no matter their background, race, nationality, or personal views. At the cultural dinner and experience, for example, Eli connected with me on a more personal level and even gave me her phone number to be friends past the short visit. The group hugged everyone as we left. 

Happiness in Costa Rica derives from their love of people. Everyone is family and everyone is invited into their culture. When we toured Florex, the speaker even said “if you come back to Costa Rica we invite you to stay in our homes and be apart of our family.” He also mentioned that in a business sense he knows all of his coworkers and deeper, he knows their children, spouses, parents, grandparents etc. Costa Rican’s go further into happiness by helping each other out when anyone is in need. The speaker at Florex explained that if your roof needs repairs, not only will your coworkers help you financially but they will put in the labor required. 

Costa Rica is also a happy place because of the governmental and employment benefits they receive. Citizens do not have to worry about health care or paying for education. Employee benefits can vary but for example, employees at Align have access to professional assistance for free such as lawyers, realtors, and vets. 

I would love if the United States had the same mindset of equality and helping out your peers as Costa Rica does. The world would be a much happier place if we all treated each other like Costa Rican’s do and live the Pura Vida lifestyle!

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